We know that Veterans make great business owners: work ethic, drive, commitment, etc. At the same time, all those successful traits transfer to Veteran employees, making those who served our country great candidates for hire as well.
At 3.9%, the national Veteran unemployment rate is lower than the national average of 4.8%. This illustrates that Veterans are not only more motivated to seek work, but also that employers recognize the competitive advantage these talented servicemen and women bring to the table. Company leaders are now seeing our Veterans as supreme added value and as assets to their organizations.
“The lower veteran unemployment rate indicates to me that companies see the dedication, drive, and work ethic veterans bring to the table and view these individuals as valuable assets to their team.” -Rob Cox, Navy Veteran & Recruit Rooster Key Account Executive

With nearly ¼ million Veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce each year, the list of reasons to hire veterans is lengthy.
-Adaptable: Service men and women are accustomed to “changing lanes,” wearing multiple hats, and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. They often seek out creative answers to problems, looking for alternative methods for successful outcomes, rather than simply seeing things as black and white.
-Diverse: The Veteran population brings with it incredible diversity in terms of demographics and experience. These people have also often traveled near and far and have been exposed to multiple different circumstances, cultures, and ways of living. This creates greater acceptance of fellow employees, staff members, customers, and partner companies. All of this equates to ease of business flow and greater odds of fluid success.
-Work Ethic: Military experiences and institutions instill in people a huge sense of self-responsibility and initiative. As in any situation, a conscientious ethic is highly sought out in the civilian workforce. Employers need dedicated people who are willing to set goals and accomplish them, for the good of the company. Veterans understand that advancement is largely based on performance, but simply possess either ingrained or natured morals and responsibility.
-Team Players: Successful military operations require teamwork, which means Veterans are really great at playing and working together. In the workplace, this translates to building trust, establishing expectations, and progressing together. This forms a strong foundation of workplace skillsets.
-Leadership: In addition to a team spirit mindset, Veterans are also aware of when to lead and when to follow. Deciphering the best time to take a step forward or when to step back means less friction and more victories. The best leaders are also the best supporters, at the appropriate time, and this malleability is an extreme asset.
All said, the drive, intrinsic motivation, and desire to create a community outcome for the best of everyone accelerates the learning curve for Veterans in any position within a company and makes our service members great candidates for hire!
As your interest in Veteran-owned small businesses and Veteran employees grows, reach out and explore Veterans Victory Small Business Center, www.vvsbc.com and learn more about our community and how we support our service members in all capacities!